Account settings

How can I unsubscribe from the Newsletters?

You can unsubscribe from the Newsletters by following 3 steps:

1. Log in to your account and click “MY NEWSLETTER

2. Deselect “Yes, I would like to receive promotions and special offers via email. I can unsubscribe anytime

3. Click “SAVE” to confirm your choice

Do you still receive our newsletters despite the change made in your account? Please contact our customer service

How can I recover my password?

If you don’t remember your password, go to the Login page and click on FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?

Enter the email address with which you registered and click on “CHANGE PASSWORD“.  You will receive an email with a link that will allow you to create a new password.

Didn’t receive the email to change your password? Check the “Spam” folder of your inbox or contact us.

I can’t log into my profile, what can I do?

If you are unable to access your profile, please check if:

1. You have correctly entered the email address used during registration.

2. The entered password is correct. If you no longer remember your password, you can change it by clicking on “FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?”

What is a “Wish List”?

The “Wish List” function is the best way for users to keep track of desired products and monitor any promotions. To create a Wish List or add a product, just log in and click the “Add this product to your wish list” button found on each product page. Users can create different lists divided by different criteria and you can consult or modify your list whenever you want by clicking on the heart-shaped symbol that you find next to the cart.

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